Monday 24 October 2011

Why do they call them wisdom teeth when they make us none the wiser?

My wisdom teeth are causing me pain now.  Stupid things.  On the plus side it hurts to eat much so that is proving to be pretty useful and a wonderful excuse not to eat should anybody offer me anything.  Bliss.

Was very light headed this morning, and so I had 2 slices of wholemeal toast with 2 grams of light margarine - 123 cals, and a glass of water.

Can't afford to be seen to be unwell this week as my son is off school for half term and so he is at home with me all week.  On the plus side think of all the exercise as we plan activities to keep us occupied.  Today I'm hoping to wrap him up nice and warm and take him for a walk around the nearby woodland and lake where we can feed the ducks.   :)

Also, I weighed in this morning at 145 lbs (10st 5lbs), which means (drum roll please) that I am now officially classed as a healthy weight and am no longer in the obese category.  Happy days indeed.

The insomnia left me alone last night for the most part, I did wake a few times but was soon able to fall asleep again, which is good.

I've planned the rest of my meals for the day as follows:

Lunch. 1 low fat yoghurt and a satsuma - 110 cals.

Dinner.  1 Birdseye chicken chargrill (original) with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables - 255 cals.

Total for the day - 488 cals, and back on track.

AK xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Your dinner sounds delish! How do you make your mash to keep it low cal?
    Congrats on getting out of the obese-category! Proud of you!
