Wednesday 19 October 2011

Stayed good

I stayed below 500 cals yesterday and took a lax last night against my better judgement because it's days since I've been....yet again :/

Scales this morning say I'm back down to 146.  Happy days.

Today hasn't been terrible but it hasn't been great either in the same sentence.

I went a tiny bit over my 500 cals but that's not so scary.  I'll cope.

Finally got my son's appointment through from the hospital for his hernia repair surgery which is really good, very very pleased about that.

I have to say though that my mood swings are becoming extreme right now.  One minute I'm loving life and all smiles and laughter, the next minute I'm so down I just want to curl up in bed and shut the world out.  I've decided that Friday and Saturday I'm going to do a water fast.  Need to lose this weight so badly that I feel physically sick every time I look in the mirror.  Yuck.

Anyway, if anyone wants to find me on FB, my name is Ana Kat.  

Much love.

AK xoxo

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