Tuesday 11 October 2011

Demotivated and grumpy

152.6 lbs.  Ugh.

Feeling upset and demotivated right now.  My end of module assignment for my Open University course is due in today and I haven't done it.  Why? Because I've become so obsessed with food and eating that I forgot all about it.

Not to worry though, I've been disappointed in my achievements on the course anyway.  I wrote to the highest standard that I know and only just scraped passes on all my assignments.  I wrote like I did when I was in college, where I got A and B grades, and then I attempted this long distance correspondence course and was just getting 62% on everything, whereas in college those assignments would have been 98% worthy.

I suppose you live and learn.  Oh the irony.  Going to email my 'tutor' in a bit and let him know I'm withdrawing from the course.  I'm just not university material, I see that now.  Who needs a degree anyway?  This was a beginners module as well for goodness sake and I can't even do that!

Ah well,onward and upward.

Yesterday went well.  I stayed at exactly 300 cals and not a bite more, which I am super proud of.

Managed to avoid having lunch with the staff :)  This pleased me no end.

The trip was lovely, if not muddy and wet lol.  But all that walking around the woods with the children and restricting to 300 cals didn't even get me a decent loss.  How shit is that?

Well, today is a 400 cal allowance so I'm sure this will be easy as I usually try to have between 400 and 500 cals a day anyway :)

Will fit a workout in this morning and then have a very light lunch before heading off to work.  Mother is picking me up from work and then I'm off to collect my son from school.  Happy busy 'no time to think about food so much' day.  ::smiles::

GSK xoxo

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