Sunday 2 October 2011


I've put on half a pound this morning...

I'm so disappointed, after all, I did manage to stay sub 500 cals all day, with the final amount of cals consumed being 402 cals.

I know half a pound may not seem a lot and I can easily work that off, but in my heart of hearts I know I deserved that gain. I was stupid to eat that pastry, really fucking stupid. I knew it was laden with butter in the pastry, and the chicken and bacon in creamy sauce must have been dripping with crap and calories. And I gobbled it down like the fat pig that I am. Ugh.

Well, a new day, a new start. Time to get back on the thin-wagon.

I'm going to struggle to stay below 1000 cals today as my BF is cooking dinner, and with just me, him and my son sitting at the table to eat it's going to be difficult to avoid eating whatever he makes me. But I have to look at this obstacle objectively. The only two meals I am obliged to eat to avoid my family having 'the talk about dieting', are lunch with Mother on Thursdays and dinner with my son and BF on Sunday. That still leaves me plenty opportunities on the other days to restrict/fast. ::smile::

For breakfast today I had 1 slice of white bread toast with 2 grams of light margarine - 77 cals.
And 1 cup of tea with 2 sweetener tabs and 50 mls of semi skimmed milk - 28.8 cals. Followed by a small box of raisins - 41 cals.
Total cals so far - 146.8. Not too bad. I may be able to avoid lunch as my BF is taking my son swimming. Will try to fit in a Davina workout while they're gone in an effort to shift that half a pound.

I will be thin, no matter what. And I am really looking forward to my first liquid fast tomorrow :)

GSK xoxo

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