Sunday 2 October 2011

Okay all, this is just a quickie update because my BF is upstairs washing our son.

Today hasn't gone TOO bad, but still not necessarily good either.

BF went taking our son swimming and I managed to fit a Davina high impact aerobics workout in, which according to burned off 160 cals.

They came home and my BF made himself and our son a sandwich and I was just sat there with my Diet Pepsi. He kept looking over at me so in the end I made myself a low fat cheese slice sandwich using 1 slice of white bread and 1 gram of light margarine. Total - 153.5 cals. So not worth it.
After that my son looked crestfallen when he offered me a Jaffa Cake and I declined, so I ate it to please him. Tack on another 45 cals. Oh dear.

Went shopping and managed to get some juice for my liquid fast tomorrow :)
Also found some Ryvita Snack Packs (Salt And Vinegar flavour) which are 75 cals a bag. Fab low cal snacking stuff. Had a pack of them to see if they were nice, and they actually aren't bad. Add those 75 cals. I'm on a slippery slope here.

Anyway for tea my BF cooked turkey breast steak, with homemade roast potatoes and baked beans. It tasted lovely and, again according to, came to 517 cals. Haven't done all that bad then but still wish I'd done better.

Total cals for the day - 937.3. Feeling like a fat fat fat cow now and my tummy aches.

If I have a loss tomorrow it will be a miracle. Looking forward to my liquid fast even more now. Might even make it a 2 day affair. We shall see. Everything depends on the morning number on the scales.

GSK xoxo

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