Thursday 13 October 2011

Laxatives :/

Okay, I feel I should say this because using laxatives for weight loss is pretty controversial and has caused one of my favourite commenters a bit of concern to know I used them.

So here's the details:

*I have never used them before.
*I took the exact recommended dose of 1 tablet before bedtime.
*I took the tablet with water as stated in the leaflet.
*I read the entire leaflet to make myself familiar with the product and what side effects may occur.
*I took them because I have been constipated for 5 days and it was really giving me tummy ache.
*The fact that I binged did have a miniscule bearing on me taking them yesterday but in fairness I had been putting off buying them for a few days and after binging the tummy ache worsened to a point where I couldn't stand up straight.  So it seemed as good a time as any to go and get the laxatives.
*The ones I bought were Dulcolax, and are available without prescription in the medicine section of supermarkets as well as in pharmacies.
*Taking them wasn't a pleasant experience.  They made my tummy ache all night long, disturbed my sleeping pattern and made me feel queasy.  I felt like I need to use the bathroom every 10 minutes and when I went nothing happened.
*I finally got relief this morning, and while it eased the constipated tummy ache I'd had, it gave me a whole different kind of tummy ache and now I just feel very sick.

The only upside to the entire experience was that the scales said I'd lost 2 lbs this morning, so am down to 150 lbs (10st 10lbs).  But that loss was overshadowed by the exhaustion and how sick I feel so meh.  I know I didn't earn that loss, and I'm not remotely proud to have achieved it at all.

Am I happy that I lost weight?  Of course I am.  Am I happy with the way in which I lost it?  Not at all.

I don't plan on making such an unpleasant experience a regular thing, at the end of the day I have a child to care for and I'm no use to him if I'm sick.

That said, today's cal limit is 200.  Though I'm debating on following the ABC + 300 diet that a girl on Pretty Thin came up with.  Whatever the cal intake is on the ABC diet, simply add another 300 cals to make the diet more bearable, and you'll still achieve weight loss, not weight gain.

I think that the ABC + 300 diet is more suited to me as I can't allow myself to let my child see me skipping meals because I've run out of cal intake for the day.  That's just no good for his psyche.  So that way I can still eat with him and not cause him undue concern.  Besides, I can always skip meals while he's at school :)  I'm on my own usually at lunch time.

Okay, so I'll post the details for the ABC + 300 diet later.  I may have days where I stick to the original ABC diet or the new ABC + 300 diet, whichever it is I'll let you know, I think it all depends on whether I'm losing or gaining over the last few days or if I think one intake is sufficient or if the other is too high in cals.  We'll see.

So back to Day One.  If I remember correctly the limit for today is 500 cals on the original diet, so would be  800 on the new diet.  I'll see how I go, right now I don't feel like eating much at all.

GSK xoxo


  1. thanks so much for explaining everything and not blowing up at me. i feel really bad that you had such a bad experience, that would suck. i hope that you're feeling better soon. as always, good luck!

  2. It's okay honey, it's natural to feel concern when people turn to such drastic measures. It's definitely a worrying thing.

    Honestly, I've had tummy ache all day :( I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow :)

    GSK xoxo
