Tuesday 14 February 2012


When do friends suddenly become ignorant fuckers?  Okay, I confided in a long-term friend today about my disorder and she was a little bit supportive so I opened up to her and you know what her fucking response was?  Well why don't you go back to Slimming World?!  WTF?!  Send someone with an eating disorder to a dieting club.  How backwards is that?  Like I need more persuasion to obsess about my weight and food intake.  Her reasoning was that I could still eat loads of food and lose the weight healthily.  
Eat loads of food?  That thought terrifies me to such a point that I feel sick.  I explained to her that until I can change the way I view food that going to Slimming World would cause me untold levels of anxiety.  At the moment everything I eat has a calorific intake and I'm so obsessed with those numbers that even if they told me I could eat unlimited amounts of pasta/rice/meat etc I would still add it all up, measure and weigh it, and still not eat over my calorie limit.  And then she changed her FB status to 'Now that I've finished my complaint break, time to get on with things.'

Is that how the entire world sees it all?  That's the second time that comment has been made in my direction and it makes me so angry.  How dare they judge me?  Yes I have issues, and yes I'm seeking help but that's enough to label me as complaining?  You're screwed if you don't and screwed if you do so it seems.

I am so beyond upset.  I am numb.  That's my Mother and a so called friend of mine in the last 2 weeks.  I am so much better off alone.  'Friends' just complicates the whole thing.  From this point onwards I tell no-one else and if they guess then that's up to them.  I really don't give a fuck.


  1. I'm sure she wasn't saying it to be cruel. She probably didn't know what to say. Or how to react. I had a friend that said "just eat" - I burst out laughing. People don't know how to deal with us. That's why we are here for each other! Xo

  2. Fair point angel. It just riled me up that's all. I think she has my best interests at heart and it probably just came across differently. You're so right, we need each other, lovely like-minded people :) xoxo
