Thursday 6 October 2011

Lost half a pound and am down to 154.5.  Better than a gain I guess.  

Yesterday I did go slightly over my 500 cals, only by 39 cals, but that's still not good enough.

At dinner time the hunger was driving me mad and I wanted to ransack the cupboards to satisfy it.  But then a voice who I suspect is the lovely Ana herself said 'But honestly, is it worth it?  You'll be complaining tomorrow if you have a gain and I'll be sat here laughing and saying I told you so.'  So I shut the cupboard and had a diet pepsi.

After a while the hunger actually felt good and I felt powerful for it.  I'm still in control and that's what counts.

Also, I think I may need to buy some new scales.  The ones I have seem thoroughly unreliable, like they were when I joined Slimming World, but they're all I have right now.  I do wonder whether when I get some new scales the weight I have lost might be more.  And that's a bag full of motivation right there.

I spent last night searching the internet for lovely dresses to wear on Christmas Day.  The thin ladies modelling the clothes on the websites spurred me on even more.  I can't wait to be that thin.

Today I've had a new treat for breakfast, Kingsmill Apple Filled Pancakes.  I only had one but they are yummy and at 113 cals per pancake (yes I only had one) they're lower in cals that 2 slices of toast with light margarine, so happy days.

I'm sure today will be a better day...or will it?  It's Thursday, which means grocery shopping with Mother.  And lunch with her.  Hmmm....

Must stay strong, my willpower is strong.  And so am I!

GSK xoxo

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