Wednesday 2 November 2011

Honey, I'm home :)

Oh God, I've missed you all so much.  Stupid laptop.  Well, stupid laptop CHARGER!  Lol.  The casing on the charger cable split a little bit and exposed the wires which then promptly overheated and started smoking :-O 
All is well now though as my new charger arrived today :)  Happy days.

Thank you all so much for the kind comments regarding my last post.  I felt in such a dark place, and in a way I still am.  You will be pleased to know that I did seek help.

I went to see my GP last Friday and he conducted an assessment to ascertain how severe the depression is this time, and when I said it was magnified I wasn't exaggerating, the score I got was double the score I got last time I took the test.  He did a test which used to be called the Edinburgh Scale or something (can't quite remember, it was a while ago), and while the test is still similar it has a different name now.  Last time I scored 12, which wasn't too bad, but still warranted a prescription for meds.  This time I scored 25 and once again, out came the prescription pad.  No surprises there, well, except one.  He handed me a leaflet explaining all about self-referral therapy, which was one of the first things I was advised to do last time, but this time he said he doesn't think I'm ready for that yet, maybe in a month or so.  When I asked why he said that we need to stabilize my feelings and emotions before I can start therapy and that he wants me to take the meds and go back to see him in a month.

So there you have it.  

I've been taking the meds for 6 days now and other than worsening insomnia I don't actually feel any different.  I'm still feeling horribly low and lacking in motivation and energy.  I suppose they take a while to really start working :/ 

Weight wise there hasn't been much change.  Whilst I've been restricting and calorie counting I've been too downhearted to bother exercising or do anything really so my weight has temporarily hit a plateau of 143 lbs.

It has been a busy day today as we took our son to hospital for his pre-admission check up ahead of his surgery next week.  Can't wait for it all to be over to be honest.  I just want him well for Christmas.

Hope you're all okay and doing well.

Much love,

AK xoxo


  1. I'm so happy that you went to get help! And don't worry if you can't feel the change in just 6 days. Remember that your messing with your hormones and that can take while to stabilize. Just think about how long it takes to go through puberty. Of course, it's not the same hormones this time, but still.

    I so hope that everything works out for you! You seem to be such a wonderful person and I wish you all the best!

  2. I know, thanks for the support my darling. They took a while to work last time though I have felt a bit dizzy and high for the last few days. The effect are settling slowly which is good.

    You seem lovely too honey, so honest and genuine. Much love angel, AK xoxo
