Wednesday 12 October 2011

ABC Diet Day Five

152 lbs exactly (10 st 12). Not bad, a 3lb loss in 4 days, that's pretty good I reckon.  Still could do with buying some new scales though, might nip up to Argos later :)

Today is Day Five of the ABC diet, and the allowance is 100 cals.  I went a tiny bit over the 400 cals yesterday unknowingly, as my Father gave me a biscuit that I thought was a rich tea (pretty low in cals) and it turned out to be a Mcvities Light Digestive which was 67 cals!  ::shocked::

So I ended up going 23 cals over the 400 but I'm not beating myself up about it, it was a genuine mistake.

Anyway, today's intake of 100 cals was tough to plan for but here's what I came up with...

Breakfast - Black Coffee - 0 cals.

Lunch - Salad with a bit of grilled chicken breast - 47 cals.

Dinner - Salad with 2 slices of cooked ham - 51 cals.

Total for the day - 98 cals.

I will drink plenty of water inbetween meals so as to keep myself hydrated and feeling fuller.

Wish me luck.

GSK xoxo

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