Monday 3 October 2011

Well so much for the frickin' liquid fast.  And I started out with such good intentions as well.

Then the day intervened.  ::groan::

I was doing well, had my vitamin water and my cup of tea as planned (123.8 cals) and all was okay.  Took my son to school, came home and poured myself a glass of apple, raspberry and pomegranate juice.

Then my Father called me, asking me if I could nip to his house and help him to send some photographs to my Brother that he took at his wedding via email.  Sigh.  Finished my juice and went round there only to find that he'd made me a bacon sandwich as a thank you for helping him.  I said to him that I would have done it for nothing but no, he shoved the 284 cal sandwich at me saying he insisted.  Fuck fuck fuck!  Seeing no way out I ate the damn sandwich, and I felt sick as anything with every bite.  There goes my fucking liquid fast.  So pissed off!

Got back home and wanted to purge.  I haven't purged since I had nausea in my pregnancy but couldn't throw up so I had to make myself sick to feel better.  Went into the bathroom but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. What a frickin' wuss!

The rest of the day went downhill from there because I lacked willpower or the urge to give a fuck.  I wouldn't say I binge ate, but I certainly ate like a hippo.  I ended up having another cup of the juice, 2 cups of tea, 3 Quirks biscuits, and a packet of Ryvita Salt And Vinegar Mini's.  Holy crap I'm a waste of oxygen.  That came to 973.4 cals.

Oh plus a bowl of Special K Honey Nut Clusters, 45grams with 100mls of semi skimmed milk - 284 cals.

Total for the day is an unacceptable 1257.4 cals.  Sick fuck!

Also on a side note, the juice I bought turned out to be mostly crap and made from concentrate.  I thought it seemed high in cals for a glass, at 119.  Went to the supermarket and bought some 100% Tropical Fruit Juice for tomorrow.  Juice fast here I come.  Just juice, and water if I'm really thirsty.  Very angry at myself.  Worse that I've been in a long while.  Stupid fat heiffer that I am!

Goodnight my skinnier than moi readers, this gal needs some beauty sleep.

GSK xoxo


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that the day didn't turn out the way you planned. I hate days like that, but everyone has them once in a while (me esspecially). Hope your next goal turns out better! Stay strong and stay smiling! There's always another day to do better and better. good luck

  2. Thanks sweetie :) It was a bit of a bad day, things happened that I hadn't planned for and it threw me completely. xoxo
