Monday 7 November 2011

Water fasting time.

I'm embarking on a five day water fast in a bid to get this weight shifted.  The scales this morning say I've lost another pound and am down to 143.  Which, don't get me wrong, is good because the scales are going the right way, I want more.  That makes me sound greedy doesn't it?  But I figure, I can have more so why shouldn't I?  :)
Gosh I'm freezing, this house is sooooo cold right now.  I'm wrapped up in my dressing gown on the sofa and I'm still shivering.  Wish the heating would hurry up and get the house warm already, I switched it on over half an hour ago.  Lol, look at me all impatient.
I know that water fasting will attract unwanted attention to my lack of eating habits from my bf and family so I'm going to tell them I'm doing a detox plan.  I've already told my bf that I'm doing a five day water only detox and whilst he's being supportive I see the concern flash in his eyes.  I reassured him it's only five days and that when I tried it last time I only got to 20 hours before I ate something so not to worry too much.  This made him smile but I can tell he's going to be keeping an eye on me, which I suppose is good in its own way.
I want to be down to at least 130 by the end of November, so I really need to become more motivated and focused.  My calorie counting has worked so far but I need to pick up the pace.  Focus AK focus!

Day Five (60 Day Challenge) - Is there a specific event you want to lose weight for?
Put simply, yes, there is.  Christmas.  On all the Christmas photographs from the last five years I look horrible.  Bloated, fat, chunky, chubby cheeked, huge fucking whale of a woman and nobody ever says a thing.  No one ever says I look lovely, or that being at that weight suits me.  So I now assume it doesn't.  I'm down to the lowest weight I've been in five years so at least I know that this year I won't look AS fat on the Christmas photo's, but I'm a long way from happy.  Christmas is my goal to reach at least 120.  I'm sure I can do it.  :)

That's all for now, will update later.

Much love,

AK xoxo

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