Thursday 2 February 2012

A Welcome Maintain And Hair Dye Disaster?

Weight = 138lbs.  Again.  Which is good considering I binged last night.  I felt sick to the pit of my stomach when I went to bed knowing that all the junk I'd just stuffed into my face was going to fester in my insides.  But I've managed by some miracle not to gain.  Good times.

Also I had a slight hair dye mishap so the hat has been dusted off and firmly shoved on my bonce for the next 2 weeks, never to be removed lol.  I'd dyed it red a while back and my roots were showing pretty bad, like about 2 inches (terrible I know), so I decided to dye it blonde.  I used a pre-lightener cream first which stripped most of the red away and then I put the blonde dye hair is now a blondey ginger colour :-O  Not exactly what I had in mind, but it says that I can't put another dye on for 2 weeks.  Oh dear lol.  Ah well, at least it's an even colour and not patchy heh.

Day nine: What is your favourite food, healthy or unhealthy.

My favourite food has to be all bread products.  I love them all, and though I know technically they're not unhealthy I do reduce how much I eat of them as they are usually pretty high in cals.  But what can I say?  I love crumpets, english muffins, croissants, bread, barmcakes/rolls, pitta breads, naan breads, tortilla wraps.  You name it.  I love the lot.  Shame I can't eat the lot but never mind.

Much love,

AK xoxo

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