Sunday 29 January 2012

Pain sucks

Looking at my blog stats on here today I should have just stayed away lol, I got more views.  Haven't had a single one since I returned.  Ah well, thank you to those that do read it.  :)

Today's weight = 138lbs.  Glad not to have gained because I got up this morning and Aunt Flo has arrived so I'm in pain and bloated and feel really sluggish.  Fuck.  Whilst I'm glad she's here in some respects I'm unhappy because I was finally doing well with my weight loss.  That said, I'm going to fight and remain under 140lbs at all costs.  

Brrrr I'm absolutely freezing.  I have goosebumps and everything.  The heating is on and I've got my dressing gown on and I still feel like I'm sitting in a draught.

Yesterday for lunch I had the same as the day before, 1 Crispbake, 4 veggie fingers and a bag of steamed veggies.  Need to get some more veggie products today when I head to the supermarket.  See what I can find that's nice.  I like vegetables and stuff so why not try converting to a vegetarian lifestyle.  Not committing wholly just now but it's something I'm going to look into.

At 7pm last night I got hungry and couldn't find my Tum's.  Ended up eating 2 mini packets of chicken fridge raiders (114 cals) and a packet of Transform-a-snack crisps (100 cals).  Ugh, not a huge binge but still junk I could have done without.  Burned it all off though by doing 2 and half hours of ironing which burned 354 cals.  Add the 60 minutes of ironing I did earlier that day which burned 142 cals and I was back on track, in fact I was lower than my 500 cal cap anyway.  Happy days.

Today will be a slightly tricky day because my bf and son are here for lunch and dinner.  Hmmm.  If I skip breakfast and lunch (not sure how I'll get out of that one, may just say I'm not hungry because I had a late breakfast), then I can have dinner with them and not panic too much.  I'm prepared to increase my calorie allowance for Sunday's to 700 cals.  I think that's sufficient.  Then tomorrow I'll be back down to 500.  :)  Yep yep yep. 

All I can hope for really over the next week is to maintain or at the very least stay under 140lbs.  After that it's no holds barred.

Day five: Is there any specific event you want to lose the weight for?

Not really, though I would like to look thinner on my son's birthday photographs in a few months.  I just want to lost the weight for me so I can feel comfortable in my own skin.

Much love,

AK xoxo

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