Sunday 13 November 2011

Scales and Heidi

Feeling very positive today.  The scales say I'm down to 141 which is wonderful. I was aiming to be down to 140 by today but a pound out is okay in my book as this is the lowest weight I've been in 6 years.  Very thrilled.

Main food swaps I've done so far:

Semi-skimmed milk for Skimmed milk
White bread for brown/wholemeal bread
Full fat margarine for light margarine
Full fat yoghurts for low fat/fat free yoghurts
Flavoured water for plain water
Full fat coke/pepsi for diet coke/pepsi

Foods I've cut out completely:

Sugar and artificial sweetener on cereal and in hot drinks.

I've lost 19lbs since I started calorie counting at the end of September.  I'm aiming to get down to 125 by Christmas.  That equates to 16lbs that I need to lose to hit that target so I need to lose 2.6lbs a week, I'll round that up to 3.  Let the countdown begin :)  Whatever it takes!

Also, I did my bust, waist and hip measurements at my bf's the other makes for grim reading...

Bust = 32"
Waist = 32"
Hips = 42"

That is just terrible...fat bitch!  I absolutely disgust myself.  Well come Christmas that will have changed...I fucking promise.  I'm going to do all I can to change those numbers and right now, no method is too fucking drastic!  

Right, rant over...

Continuing with the countdown :)
Positive, positive, positive!

Time for some pictures of one of my favourite slim ladies... the gorgeous Heidi Klum...  Enjoy!

Much love,

AK xoxo


  1. 141! yey! Lowest weight in 6 years! that is so amazing, good for you!!!!

  2. Thanks honey :) Still a long way to go until my target weight of 112 but steady progress isn't bad.

    AK xoxo
