Thursday 3 November 2011

Day One Of The Points Diet

Points breakdown for the day:

+3 (2 cups of green tea)
+28 (140 minutes exercise)
+2 (one-on-one time)
Total = 33 pts.

-2 (every 100 cals junk food)
-5 (less than 5 hours sleep)
Total deducted = 7 pts.

Total pts for the day = 26.

Not bad for a first attempt.  I set myself a calorie limit of 800 cals which I didn't stick to, shame on me.  Chuffed with the 140 minutes of exercise I've done... I did 80 minutes of walking and a 30 minute warm up coupled with 30 minutes of high impact aerobics.  Not too shabby, hopefully that burned off the extra calories :)
Gutted about the lack of sleep though, stupid insomnia.  Drives me mad.  Will definitely do better tomorrow.  I think I'll set myself a cal limit of 500 tomorrow to even out the damage done today.  I fully expect a gain in the morning, and I fully deserve it.  Silly girl that I am.  Heffy is a sucker for anything sweet, and when Mother bought iced buns filled with fresh cream she urged me to tuck in unashamedly.  Then afterwards I was scolded by Connie who prompted me to do the aerobics I've been putting off for a few days.  I'm completely exhausted now.  The lack of sleep is pushing me to breaking point and I really just want to curl up in bed and not resurface for days.

Week One Weekly Challenge:  Pick one unhealthy food/habit you have (eg. Artificial sweetener, chocolate, eating after 8pm, skipping breakfast) and aim to go 7 days without eating/doing it.
I have decided to give up artificial sweetener :)

Day One (60 Day Challenge) - How tall are you, what do you currently weigh and what do you hope to weigh after the 60 days?  (Be realistic)
I'm 5ft 4in and 143 lbs.  I hope to weigh 120 lbs after the 60 days.  I know it seems like I'm aiming high here but I think you have to :)

Will do better tomorrow.  Will do better tomorrow.  Will do better tomorrow.  If I say it enough times I may begin to believe that I will.  :/

AK xoxo


  1. hi. great job on your score today! if you don't mind, could you also just post how many points you got on my posts so that it's easier for me to see how my scores match up to other's each day? only if it's not a huge bother. thanks!

  2. Sure honey, no problem.

    AK xoxo
