Friday 30 September 2011

Managed to stay on track for the rest of the day. Fingers crossed I've done enough to manage another loss tomorrow. Was debating on fasting tomorrow but since my BF is coming over to help me gloss the staircase I under-coated today I think it's highly unlikely I can get away with avoiding solids like the plague. Ugh :/

I was really good when Father came over, I had 2 cups of black coffee each with 2 sweetener tabs in which came to a total of 18.4 cals. Oh and a McVitie's Digestive biscuit at 71 cals because Father was eyeing me suspiciously as I didn't take a biscuit from the biscuit tin. What he hadn't commented on was me cooking him a breakfast muffin and smearing it in jam, giving him cake and chocolate whilst not eating anything myself. Genius.

Skipped lunch as I was so busy painting the stairs that time completely ran away with me. In a way I am grateful for the distraction, it stops me thinking about food all the damn time.

For dinner I had 2 Quorn Veggie Burgers at 80 cals each. First time I've ever had them and they were really tasty :) Will more than likely buy those again as they are low in calories and taste scrummy.

Total cal count for the day is 357.2.

Well done me. This good behaviour should result in a loss on the scales in the morning. Although, that said, Aunt Flo came to visit today and am feeling a little tender and bloated, so that may tip the numbers a little against me but such is life I suppose.

GSK xoxo

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