Thursday 29 September 2011

First weigh in since the diet began

So pleased with the scales this morning :) 157.5 lbs. That's a 2.5 lb loss in just one day. I'm now wondering whether the scales are accurate lol.

Busy day today, got to attend a course today for my job. All very dull, 2 hours of sitting in a conference room with lots of people I don't know, but even so I'm a bit nervous. I suppose the first day of a new job is always nerve wracking though. Really have to try not to comfort eat which I usually do when I'm nervous.

Breakfast: 1 slice of white bread toast with 2 grams of light margarine - 120 cals.
1 cup of tea with 50 mls of semi skimmed milk and 2 sweetener tabs - 28.8 cals.

Had a glass of water before going to work. My father came round and he'd bought me some chocolate from work, Dairy Milk Fruit And Nut (om nom nom). Politely declined and said I was full from breakfast but he looked disappointed so I indulged him and ate 3 small chunks which came to 85 cals (yes I checked the label).

After work I met up with Mother at Tesco for grocery shopping. I knew this would be tricky as I was on a very strict budget due to bills going out. Still, I didn't bank on it being the nightmare that it became. I was reading all the labels and checking calorie contents, and by the time I found some cheese slices that were below 100 cals per slice almost 15 minutes had gone by and I had only gone down 1 aisle. I soon got the hang of checking the calorie contents by scanning the label as I walked by which helped, but as I found more and more things that I normally buy that were really high in calories, searching for alternatives really overwhelmed me. I began to feel disorientated and claustrophobic, and just wanted to abandon my trolley and go home.

Then Mother offered to buy us some pre-packed sandwiches for lunch. I felt it would be rude to say no to her, and as she knows my eating history so well I worry about her reaction to me calorie counting again. So I did a quick scan of each label as I pretended to look for a filling I liked. Finally I picked out a ham and salad sandwich for just 245 cals. Not bad really, and the lowest calorie filling on the shelf so felt pretty pleased with myself.

Had a glass of water with my sandwiches and then Mother spotted the chocolate bar Father had bought me, sitting on the arm of the sofa. She broke off 3 small chunks and passed them my way. Now I love my Mother dearly, and I know she will worry about me if I don't have any as normally I love chocolate. So I eat them. Tag another 85 cals on. Grrr.

Managed to avoid having any tea to make up for the extra cals I've consumed but no doubt I will be hungry again by supper time. Hopefully I can resist until the morning. However, I really REALLY want to finish that chocolate bar.

GSK xoxo

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