Friday 2 December 2011

Absence Ahoy

My goodness angels, a lot has happened while I've been away.  Gosh I've missed you all so much.  I'm currently on my BF's computer so have to be quick.  Must make sure to delete browsing history.  Anyway...

My weight has fluctuated but I'm back at 10st (140lbs) again so that sucks a bit.
My doc has upped my AD's to a higher dosage because I'm 'unstable'.  Don't make me laugh!
He's also referred me for therapy.  Now... My last therapist was as much use as a chocolate teapot so I went in with very low hopes.  Unfortunately she was really insightful and has spotted the tell tale signs of me screwing with my body and has referred me to the EDU (Eating Disorder Unit).  I'll keep you posted.

My laptop is officially dead and in for repairs, but hopefully I can get on here via the library internet so I can update you better without fear of being caught.

I love you all.  I hope you're all okay.

Much love,

AK xoxo

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